propagated or OSPF protocol packets sent over this interface.
: OSPF is disabled for this interface.
Proxy ARP Mode
Select whether your device is to answer APR requests from
your LAN on behalf of the specific PPTP partner.
Possible values:
(default value): Disables Proxy-ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) for this PPTP partner.
0) .
: Your device only responds to an ARP re-
quest if the status of the connection to the PPTP partner is
(active) or
. In the case of
, your device only
responds to the ARP request; the connection is not set up un-
til someone actually wants to use the route.
0) ,&
: Your device answers an APR request only if the
status of the connection to the PPTP partner is
, i.e. if
a connection to the PPTP partner has already been estab-
DNS Negotiation
Select whether your device receives IP addresses for Primary
DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server from the PPTP part-
ner or sends these to the PPTP partner.
The function is enabled with
The function is enabled by default.
Fields in the PPTP Callback menu.
Enables a PPTP tunnel through the Internet to be set up with a
PPTP partner, even if the partner is currently inaccessible. As a
rule, the PPTP partner will be requested by means of an ISDN
call to go online and set up a PPTP connection.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
Note that you must activate the relevant option on the gateways
of both partners. An ISDN connection is usually required for this
function. Without ISDN, callback is only to be activated in spe-
Teldat GmbH
18 VPN
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2