10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 • 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110 • [email protected]
"Copper-mode" is a non-compensated mode of operation during which cold-junction
compensation of inputs and outputs is disabled. This permits the use of copper-wire
interconnections between instruments, while avoiding the time and expense of multiple
thermocouple-cable hookups. At the conclusion of calibration verification, cold-junction
compensation is reenabled, and operation returns to "alloy-mode".
"Alloy-mode" refers to Thermocouple operations; for example, a Type-K thermocouple is made
up of Nickel/Chromium and Nickel/Aluminum alloys. Referring to the TEGAM Calibrator(s) in TC
operation, "Alloy-mode" means in effect "other than Copper-mode." In order to make accurate
measurements using a thermocouple device one must eliminate erroneous voltage signals.
In "Alloy-mode", the TEGAM calibrator automatically calculates the cold- junction compensation
for the selected TC type, based on the value(s) from the ITS-90 table. This feature enables the
user to make accurate temperature measurements without making manual calculations for error
Equipment Required:
1. TEGAM Model to be verified.
2. Voltmeter accurate to 1uV resolution.
3. Thermocouple simulator.
4. Cable assembly (Fig. 11).
1. Start your calibration with a fresh battery.
2. Press the ON function button to turn the unit on.
3. Select the calibrator mode ("CALIB" on display) by pressing the CALIB/METER function
4. Select type K thermocouple ("K" on display) by pressing the SENSOR SELECT function button
until type K is reached.
5. Select the tenth degree display (with a digit appearing after the decimal point on the display)
by pressing the 0.0.1 function button.
6. Select °F ("°F" on display) by pressing the °F °C function button.
7. Press the CHANGE function button. The numerical display should blink.
8. Press 9 9 9 9 9. ("9999.9" should appear blinking on display).
9. Press the ENTER function button. The display will blink "Hi" once or twice and then will display
"0.0 °F" blinking. There will also be an "Ω" symbol blinking in the upper left. It will blink with
the "0.0 °F" display.