98-01467-EN R1
Radion 8140 automatic sprayer control
Tank displays or give access to:
►Actual content – displays the current volume of content in
the tank. Manual adjustment is directly relate to OEM fitted
equipment. The volume cannot be manually adjusted if a Tank
sensor is active.
►Tank filling – establishes the amount of actual and desired
material in the tank and the density of that material. Options
displayed directly relate to OEM fitted equipment. Different
options will be available depending upon if a Tank sensor or
Fill flow sensor is active. See Settings->Machine->Filling for
additional information.
1. Press TANK
2. Press setting value to adjust settings as needed:
◄Actual content (unavailable when Tank sensor is active)
◄Full tank (unavailable when Tank sensor or Fill flow sensor is
◄Density type
◄Density factor (available when Density type is Fertiliser)
◄Desired content (available when Tank sensor or Fill flow
sensor is active)
◄Automatic filling (available when Tank sensor or Fill flow
sensor is active)
3. Press RETURN arrow to return to the Operation screen.
Figure 47: Tank filling
If there is an active alarm, an Alarm warning icon will appear next to
the Tank. For a list of Alarm message codes see Appendix C – Alarm
1. Press ALARM WARNING icon to display a list all active
Figure 48: Active alarm warning list
Set up alarms
From the Home screen, press the SETTINGS button
2. Press
3. Press
4. Press setting value to adjust settings as needed:
◄Minimum tank content
◄Flow/pressure cross check (alarm active only when both a
Flow sensor and Liquid pressure sensor are active)
◄Section output low
5. Press RETURN arrow to return to the Machine screen.
Figure 49: Alarms