User Manual
CAN ID Filtering
: Please select the CAN channels by checking the box. Then you can
adjust CAN ID Filtering.
For each selected CAN channel there appears a line where the CAN IDs must be put
in. Values are in hexadecimal and are separated by a comma.
Figure 3-30: CAN Parameters
CAN Listen-Only Mode
: By checking the box,
Listen-Only mode
is active for the
selected CAN channel.
means no acknowledge is done for CAN messages
on this bus by the MediaGateway. In deactivated
Listen-Only Mode
, the MediaGateway
acknowledges every message on the CAN channel. This is necessary if there is no
other communication partner for the CAN messages.
Ethernet to CAN: Incoming configurable parameters:
: The MediaGateway will wait for UDP-CAN packets on selected UPD port. Please
select a non-reserved port number.
CAN to Ethernet: Outgoing configurable parameters:
Destination IP address
: Here the target IP address for the UDP packets can be entered
in dot-decimal notation. The default IP address is
Received CAN messages will be sent to
Destination IP
and the destination port set on