Section 10.0 Appendix A: Ethernet/IP Gateway Option
HMS Gateway to PLC Master Example
HMI slave connected through Anybus gateway to PLC Master:
Required equipment
Anybus gateway programmed with TCI Anybus configuration
HMI display connected to Anybus gateway
Local Area Network (LAN) routers
Rockwell ML1100 PLC
LED Network for output display
Ethernet RS45 cables
Connect the RJ45 cable to the Ethernet Port on the Anybus gateway from a router (LAN).
Connect the PLC to the router (LAN) via RJ45 cable.
The network setup is displayed below.
Figure 63: Anybus Gateway Network Setup with PLC Example
Once all the connections are set, the PLC is programmed with the required configuration.
The PLC and the Anybus are first established on the RSLinx network.
The Ethernet Driver option is selected in RSLinx to find the PLC and the Gateway by typing
the IP addresses for the respective devices in the Ethernet Driver configuration.
Once the Devices are found by RSLinx, RSLogix Micro is opened to program the PLC.
There is no need to change PLC channel configuration settings.
Data files N7 (integer) and N18 (integer) are created with 8 words and 1 word respectively.