Scanning: scanning has been turned off
Homegroup: your radio has been returned to the homegroup using the homegroup
toggle function key
Network (steady): the radio is registered on a DMR or MPT trunked network
Network (flashing): the radio is hunting for a trunked network
‘Full’ queuing activated: all calls and messages are sent directly to the queue
Trunking: your radio has established a call and you are now able to speak to the
other party
Conventional mode icons
Monitor or squelch override: monitor or squelch override is turned on
Scanning: your radio is monitoring a group of channels for activity, and the cur-
rently selected channel is a member of the scan group.
Repeater talkaround: your radio is operating in repeater talkaround mode, or you
are on a simplex channel
Zone: this letter represents the zone in which your radio is operating, where
zone 1,
is zone 26 (for example,
represents zone 11)
Understanding the Radio Indicators
The status LED indicator and the radio’s audible tones—together with the radio display—all combine to provide inform-
ation about the state of the radio.
The most common way the indicators work is described in the following sections.
The way these indicators behave may be affected by the way the radio is programmed.
Tait International Ltd December 2019