This channel is the group’s second priority channel. Users cannot delete this channel (it will not
appear under
Delete channel
There is more than one instance of this channel in the group (the channel will be scanned more
often). If users delete this channel, the radio will attempt to delete all instances of the channel.
The following messages may appear when using nuisance delete to temporarily delete a channel from a group, when
adding or deleting channels from a group, or changing a group’s transmit or priority channels.
Scanning not on
Users cannot use nuisance delete to temporarily delete a channel from a group, as
there is no group currently selected.
No channel captured
Users cannot use nuisance delete to temporarily delete a channel from the group, as
there is no channel currently captured.
Not enough channels in
Users cannot use nuisance delete to temporarily delete the channel from the group,
as the captured channel is the last remaining group member.
Cannot delete channel
Users cannot use nuisance delete to temporarily delete the channel from the group.
The captured channel may be the selected channel in a background scan group.
Cannot delete priority
Users cannot use nuisance delete to temporarily delete the channel from the group,
as the captured channel is a priority channel.
Only two channels in
Users cannot delete a channel from the group, as there would be only one group mem-
ber left.
No items in list
The action users are attempting is not allowed. Either:
the group does not have a preset transmit channel or priority channels programmed, or
the user has added all the channels in the zone to the current group.
Group full
Users cannot add any more channels to the group, as the maximum number of mem-
bers (50) has been reached.
Tait International Ltd December 2019