Reconfirm reduction
Confirm reduction of the fracture with AP and lateral images.
Distal Locking –
Short Nails (170 mm and 235 mm)
TFN – Titanium Trochanteric Fixation Nail System
Technique Guide
Drill and measure for locking bolt
357.386 Protection Sleeve 11.0/8.0, for TFN
357.387 Trocar
4.0 mm, length 176 mm,
for No. 357.389
357.389 Drill Sleeve 8.0/4.0, length 164 mm,
for No. 357.386
357.407 Drill Bit
4.0 mm, calibrated,
length 260/60 mm, 3-flute,
for Quick Coupling
Make a stab incision. Alternatively use the incision for the
blade guide sleeve. The incision for the blade guide sleeve
may be used for distal locking.
Ensure that the path of the incision and dissection of
the fascia are in line with the path of the protection sleeve.
Insert the triple trocar assembly through the aiming arm to
the bone.