Windows Installer Editor Reference
Setting Up
The previous versions will be checked in the order they appear in this list.
6. Click OK on the Previous Installation Versions dialog box.
All new resources you add to the upgrade installation will be checked against and
aligned with the previous installations you specified.
See also:
Component Rules
on page 49
Customizing Component Rules
If the predefined component rule sets do not reflect your organization’s standards, you
can create a new rule set. The predefined rule sets, Microsoft Best Practices and One file
per component, are read-only and cannot be modified. However, you can copy a
predefined rule set and modify the copy.
When creating new rules, refer to Microsoft’s rules for creating components.
See Organizing Applications into Components and Changing the Component Code in the
Windows Installer SDK Help.
If you are sharing component rules, when you edit existing rule sets your changes will
overwrite rule sets used by other members of the team.
To add a new component rule set
1. Select Component Rules menu > Customize.
The Component Rules Manager dialog box appears, listing the predefined rule sets
and custom rule sets you have created.
2. Click New.
The Enter Rule Set Name dialog box appears.
3. Enter a unique Rule Set Name to identify this rule set and click OK.
The new rule set name appears and is selected in the Component Rules Manager
dialog box.
4. Click Modify.
The Customize Component Rules dialog box appears.
5. On the Customize Component Rules dialog box, click Add to add the first rule for
this rule set.
This starts the Component Rule Wizard, which you step through to add the
conditions and actions that comprise the rule.
Adding and Editing Component Rules
on page 54.
6. When you finish adding rules to the rule set, click OK on the Customize Component
Rules dialog box and then click OK on the Component Rules Manager dialog box.
The new rule set is added to the list of available rule sets. To use the new rule set for the
current installation or to make it the default for all future installations, you must select
Selecting a Component Rule Set
on page 51.