Windows Installer Editor Reference
Working With Dialogs
Readme dialog
Importing Text into License and Readme Dialogs
page 405.
User Information dialog
Lets end users enter their name, company, and product
ID, and indicate whether the software should be
installed for all users or only for the current user. The
Product ID field does not appear to the end user if the
ProductID property (select Product tab > Properties
icon) is set to none.
See ProductID Property and PIDTemplate Property in
the Windows Installer SDK Help.
Single Feature Destination
Sets the installation directory.
Installation Type dialog
Lets the end user select a typical, complete, or custom
installation, which you define on Installation Expert >
Installation Types page.
Select Feature dialog
Lets the end user select which features to install and
how to install them.
Palm User Information
If you add Palm OS files on the Mobile Devices page,
and if the desktop computer has multiple Palm users,
this dialog box appears and lets the end user specify
which Palm users should be able to access the new Palm
For additional criteria for displaying this dialog box, see
Installing to the Palm User folder
on page 223.
SQL Connection dialog
Appears in installations that are started from the Server
Application template in the New Installation File dialog
box. It lets end users select a SQL Server name and
security credentials, and puts the resulting connection
string into a property. You can use this connection string
on Installation Expert > SQL Server Scripts page.
Adding the SQL Connection Dialog to an Installation
on page 427.
IIS dialogs
Several dialog boxes that begin with “IIS” are added if
you install Web files.
About Web Installations
on page 245.
Do not edit the Web (IIS) dialog boxes, except to
change their order (as a group) in the installation
sequence. Editing the Web dialog boxes might cause
unexpected, undesirable behavior, including damage to
the installation. Also, any operation within this product
that affects the installation’s user interface will
regenerate the Web dialog boxes, therefore, any
changes you make to them will be lost.