Resetting all settings to the default settings; teaching in a new master
If you wish to reprogram the access system, you can reset the access system to the default settings. During the reset
process, it is also possible to teach in a master transponder and a master fingerprint, if desired.
The transponder labelled with ‘master card’ can be used as the master transponder or any other suitable
transponder (125 kHz type).
Only one master transponder can be taught in.
The stored user/visitor transponders and user fingerprints are not deleted when resetting to the default
settings. If you wish to delete all transponders and fingerprints, see 8. h).
It is also possible for no master transponder to be taught in (e.g. if you wish to teach in/delete the user transponders
exclusively via programming mode and not via the master transponder for security reasons).
1) Reset of the access teach-in of master trans master fingerprint
De-energise the access system and wait for the LED to go out.
Press the door opener button and hold it down.
Reconnect the access system to the voltage/power supply. The access system emits two beeps. Now release the
door opener button.
The access system emits a beep and the LED lights up yellow.
Hold the transponder to be taught in as a master transponder in front of the RFID sensor. If the transponder is
recognised, the access system emits a beep and the transponder is stored as a master transponder.
If the transponder used has already been taught in as a user transponder, it cannot be used as a master
transponder. The access system emits 3 quick beeps and the LED flashes red.
• To teach in the master fingerprint, touch the fingerprint sensor 3 times in succession with the same finger. An LED
ring around the sensor lights up blue when the sensor is touched. The LED ring lights up green and a short beep
is emitted if the fingerprint is recognised correctly. After the third correct reading, the access system emits a longer
beep and the fingerprint is stored.
If the fingerprint cannot be read correctly, 3 beeps are emitted and the LED ring flashes red. The same
happens if you try to read in a stored user fingerprint as a master fingerprint.
The LED lights up red, the access system is in standby mode. All the settings are reset to the default settings