d) Adding user transponders
The access system can store up to 890 different user transponders. Memory numbers 100 - 989 are provided for
these transponders.
The teach-in process can be carried out via the IR remote control and with the aid of the master transponder or the
master fingerprint.
We recommend that you create a table and fill in all access data, including username, memory number,
transponder number. This is how you can keep track of who accessed the access system and used a
specific memory.
It is also easier to delete a single user or a lost user transponder.
1) Teach-in of a user transponder with the IR remote control
You can teach in using the IR remote control in two different ways:
Quick teach-in of a user transponder to the next free memory
• Teach-in of a user transponder to a specific memory
Automatically store user transponders to the next free memory:
This teach-in process is very fast and easy, new user transponders are taught in to the next available
memory. However, if the transponder is lost or faulty, it cannot be deleted as the assignment between the
user transponder and memory is unknown. In that case, all memories would need to be deleted.
• Start programming mode as outlined in 8. a) so that the LED flashes red.
Enter programming code to start the teach-in process. The LED lights up yellow.
Hold a transponder in front of the RFID sensor. Once a new transponder is recognised, the access system emits a
short beep and the transponder is stored.
If the transponder has already been taught in, the access system emits 3 quick beeps and the LED flashes
red. The same transponder cannot be taught in more than once.
If desired, other transponders can be taught in by holding them in front of the RFID sensor individually.
Exit teach-in mode with the
button. The LED flashes red again. You can now carry out further programming or
exit programming mode with the button.