6.0 Options
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iii. The logging port is a TCP only connection (no serial port support).
iv. Only ACK required is the TCP ACK (automation ACK can be there, but is not required).
c. NACK on this port
i. Signal NACKs are ignored and move to the next signal.
d. NACK of signals on the SG-Automation connection causes a repeated message to be sent to the SG-TCP Logging port.
e. The logging port does not support the time/date update automation response – if received, it must be ignored.
f. If multi port option is enabled on the system, all SG-Automation signals from any of the enabled ports are sent to the logging port.
Option [450]: Visual Verification Automation TCP Port
Default (2025)
This section sets the visual verification automation TCP port. The visual verification automation TCP port is the port that automation or the SG-System
5 Console connects to.
6.1.6 SG-CPM5 Options: [5XX] - Printer Options
Option [501]: Printer Mode
Default (Loop)
Printer outputs can be configured in a similar manner to automation outputs except that the only acceptable values are either LOOP (00) or ALL (02).
Setting the printer mode to ALL transmits the printer message to all active ports. The first acknowledgment received is used to process the next printer
message. Setting the Printer Mode to LOOP operates similar to the Automation mode LOOP, whereas it outputs to TCP/IP. If TCP/IP fails, it outputs
to Serial. If Serial fails, it outputs to TCP/IP, etc.
NOTE: Order of sequence is TCP then serial. Sur-Gard does NOT recommend changing the default setting unless using more than one
NOTE: The unit must be reset before parameter changes take effect.
Option [502]: Serial Printer 1 Format
Default (Disabled)
This section enables the serial handshake protocol that the SG-CPM5 uses to send signals to the device (printer or terminal) connected to the serial
printer port.
NOTE: The unit must be reset before parameter changes take effect.
Option [503]: Serial Printer 1 Baud Rate
Default (57600)
Determines the baud rate at which the SG-CPM5 communicates to the serial printer connected on serial printer port 1.
Valid entries are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, or 57600.
NOTE: The unit must be reset before parameter changes take effect.
Option [504]: Serial Printer 1 Data Bits
Default (8)
Determines the number of data bits used to communicate to the serial printer on serial printer port 1. Choose 7 or 8 data bits.
NOTE: The unit must be reset before parameter changes take effect.
Option [505]: Serial Printer 1 Parity
Default (0)
Determines the parity of serial printer port 1
Numeric Setting Display
no parity (default)
odd parity
even parity
NOTE: The number of stop bits cannot is fixed at 2.
NOTE: The unit must be reset before parameter changes take effect.