7.0 SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L PSTN Line Cards
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SG-DRL5 Option 113/213: Caller Source to SG Automation
Default (00)
This option allows the transmission of the Caller Identification or ANI, to the automation output. Program Option 103/203 as one of the following:
Do not send to the automation
Send to the automation (North American Caller ID)
Send to the computer (International Caller ID)
Send ANI information to the automation
Calling Name protocol identifier
NOTE: Option 112/212 must be programmed for Caller ID (01), or ANI, (2X or 4X, where "X" represents the number of DNIS digits
SG-DRL5 Option 119/219: Fault Call Counter
Default (00)
This option is used for limiting the number of fault call messages (communication fail) that are sent to the printer and computer. 00: (default) will send a
fault call alarm for every 10 fault calls. On power-up, the channel will send on the first fault call, and then every 10 afterwards.
Send fault call message every 10th fault call that occurs.
Send a fault call message to the automation and printer on each fault call.
SG-DRL5 Option 11A/21A: DNIS Sensitivity
Default 00
Sometimes the DNIS levels are much different than the phone line conditions, and therefore it may be necessary to configure the sensitivity during the
reception of DNIS.
The basic formula that the DSP uses is:
DNIS Sensitivity Option[A]
00 = -35db (value of 3F is written to DSP) (Default)
0F = -42db to 0db
3F = -35db to 0db
5F = -29db to 0db
NOTE: Do not change this option unless instructed to do so by Sur-Gard Technical Support.
SG-DRL5 Option 11F/21F: Debug
Default 01
The debug option controls the flow of debug messages to the debug port on the line card.
Set to 01 to enable. Only use the debug mode when required and disable after use. Consult Sur-Gard technical support for further assistance with col-
lecting debug.
SG-DRL5 Option 125/225: Phone Line Voltage Select
Default - (00) for approx 20V
To calculate the proper setting, use the following formula:
Phone Line Voltage = 2000 / option 125/225.
The debounce to detect line fault is 5.
Option 125/225 must be between 50 and 250, otherwise the default of 100 (64) = 20V will be used.
Note that it is not advised to decrease the Voltage level to < 20V since this affects the timing of ring detection, and may cause the channel not to detect
For example, to set the phone line voltage to 15V:
2000/15 = 133 therefore set Option 125/225 = 85.