6.0 Options
- 88 -
Number of Flashes
4 flashes
Computer buffer full
5 flashes
Checksum failed
Option [124]: SD Card Full
Default [00] - Disabled
This option is used to over-write old visual verification files on an SD card once it becomes full, rather than manually re-formating or replacing the card.
When disabled (00), the oldest visual verification files on the SD card are overwritten by new ones.
When enabled (01), Visual Verification signals are not acknowledged if the SD card is full. Space must be made on the SD card, either by reformatting
or replacing it, before new Visual Verification signals are acknowledged.
Option [125]: Visual Verification Film
Default [00] - Disabled
This option determines if .AVI files are generated for visual verification events.
When enabled (01), Visual Verification Film (the .AVI file) is not generated. Only the received .jpg and .wav files are saved. All required conversion of
received files is still performed (e.g., Audio up-converted to 4-bit; black and white images to colour .jpg). Enabling this option improves SD card per-
When disabled (00), .AVI files are created and saved to the SD card, along with the associated .jpg and .wav files files.
6.2.2 SG-DRL5-IP Options: [2XX] - Signaling Options
Option [201]: Alarm Port Number - Channel 1
Default (3061), UDP
Use this option to set the alarm port connection number for the receiver. While the default value is suitable for environments involving just one receiver,
Option [201] can be used to differentiate receivers in a complex, multiple receiver environment. If this option is changed, transmitters communicating to
the SG-DRL5-IP must be programmed with the new port number. Communicators connected to the receiver send their signals to this port.
Option [202]: Alarm Port Number - Channel 2
Default (3071), UDP
Use this option to set the alarm port connection number for the receiver. While the default value is suitable for environments involving just one receiver,
Option [202] can be used to differentiate receivers in a complex, multiple receiver environment. If this option is changed, transmitters communicating to
the SG-DRL5-IP must be programmed with the new port number. Communicators connected to the receiver send their signals to this port.
Option [203]: Alarm Port Number - Channel 3
Default (3081), UDP
Use this option to set the alarm port connection number for the receiver. While the default value is suitable for environments involving just one receiver,
Option [203] can be used to differentiate receivers in a complex, multiple receiver environment. If this option is changed, transmitters communicating to
the SG-DRL5-IP must be programmed with the new port number. Communicators connected to the receiver send their signals to this port.
Option [221]: Transmitter Absent Debounce Time
Default (120)
The time, in seconds, for which a transmitter configured in supervised mode must be absent before a transmitter failure condition is reported. Valid
entries are 5-65535 seconds. The transmitter is considered absent when it hasn't received any alarm traffic or heartbeats for the duration of the trans-
mitter absent debounce time.
This is a dynamic option and it follows the profile setting it is assigned to for the associated DNIS.
NOTE: The transmitter starts in the absent condition and must be restored before using this window.
NOTE: Transmitter Absent Time should not be less than 90 seconds. For ULC Commercial Burg Installations Security Levels A1 to A4
and ULC Commercial Fire Active communication systems, this option shall be programmed as 180 seconds. For UL Commercial
Burg Installations (standard/encrypted line security), this option shall be programmed as 200 seconds.
For UL Commercial Fire installations (single communication technology) this option shall be programmed as 300 seconds.