7.0 SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L PSTN Line Cards
- 122 -
The receiver interprets this information as 1234 301.
Note that a longer on-line time is required for this format than for a standard 4/2 format. The default setting for Option 197/297 is '00'; when pro-
grammed as '00', the option is disabled.
SG-DRL5 Option 198/298: 3/1 Extend
Default 01
Program this option as '01' to combine 2 round pairs of 3/1 extended or 3/1 partial extended format into 3/2 output for reporting to the computer and the
For example, with Option 198/298 enabled, the security control panel may transmit the following information:
123 3
123 3
333 1
333 1
The receiver interprets this information as: 123 31; the default setting for Option 198/298 is '01'; when programmed as '00', the option is disabled.
SG-DRL5 Option 199/299: DTMF 8/9 Digit Formats
Default (00)
This option is used to eliminate decoding conflicts with the 8 and 9 digit DTMF formats. The Sur-Gard DTMF 4/3 with checksum, Ademco 4/1
Express and FBI Super Fast without checksum formats are all 8-digit DTMF formats. The Ademco 4/2 Express and the FBI Super Fast formats are
both 9-digit DTMF formats. Therefore this option must be programmed to inform the line cards which formats are decoded if 8 or 9-digit DTMF sig-
nals are received. The first digit sets the 9-digit DTMF format whereas the second digit of the option sets the 8-digit DTMF format.
The first digit is defined as follows:
FBI Superfast 4/3/1 with checksum and Ademco 4/2 express (because of the identifier in the Ademco’s string)
Ademco 4/2 Express – This decodes FBI Superfast 4/3/1 with checksum as Ademco 4-2 Express.
4/3/1 with checksum – This decodes Ademco 4-2 Express as FBI Superfast 4/3/1 with checksum.
The second digit is defined as follows:
X0 SurGard 4/3 with checksum – This will decode Ademco 4-1 express as SurGard 4/3 with checksum. This will not kissoff
FBI 4/3/1 double round unless the last digit is the correct checksum for the string (1 in 16 chance) but will still decode it as
SurGard 4/3 with checksum.
and SurGard 4/3 with checksum - It looks at the identifier of 17 when choosing which format. This will not kissoff FBI 4/3/ 1
double round unless the last digit is the correct checksum for the string (1 in 16 chance) but will still decode it as SurGard 4/3
with checksum.
FBI Superfast 4/3/1 – This will kissoff SurGard 4/3 with checksum and Ademco 4/1 express but only after it does a double
round but it will decode it as FBI Superfast 4/3/1.
To decode Ademco 4/2 Express and Sur-Gard 4/3 with checksum set Option 199/299 to 11.
To decode FBI Super Fast and Ademco 4/1 Express set Option 199/299 to 21.
SG-DRL5 Option 19A/29A: Error Counter
Default (00)
When this option is set, it will configure the number of consecutive bad pulse rounds before the receiver will automatically hang-up.
The default of 00 means this option is disabled and the receiver must wait for the panel to hang-up first.
SG-DRL5 Option 19B/29B: Echo Canceller
Default (00)
When enabled and an incoming call is answered, the receiver will generate a 2100 Hz tone with 180 degrees phase reversal every 450 ms for 2 seconds
to suppress echo cancellation equipment.
00 Disabled
01 Enabled: Enable echo canceller