7.0 SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L PSTN Line Cards
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SG-DRL5 Option 1A3/2A3: D6500 RS-232
Default (00)
This option is used to strip hex digits on the automation output. The line card will emulate the Radionics 6500 RS-232 protocol on pulse formats,
Ademco Express and Varitech only. When Option 1A3/2A3 is set to 01 the hex digit will be stripped for 1-digit reporting codes including Varitech 4/1.
Example 1: Code 1
Computer output: 104091sssssss022sAsss1
Example 2: Code B
Computer output: 104091sssssss022sOssss
If Option 1A3/2A3 set to 02: the hex digit will be stripped for 2-digit reporting codes including Varitech 4/2.
Example 1: Code 21
Computer output: 104091sssssss022sAss21
Example 2: Code B1
Computer output: 104091sssssss022sOsss1
If Option 1A3/2A3 set to 03: the hex digit will be stripped for 1 and 2-digit reporting codes including Varitech.
If Option 1A3/2A3 set to 04: the hex digit will be stripped for BFSK.
NOTE: This option will only work if Option 1A4/2A4 is set to 01.
Example 1: Code 21
Computer output: 604091sssssss022sAss21
Example 2: Code B1
Computer output: 604091sssssss022sOsss1
If Option 1A3/2A3 is set to 05: the hex digit will be stripped for 1-digit reporting and BFSK.
If Option 1A3/2A3 Is set to 06: the hex digit will be stripped for 2-digit reporting and BFSK.
If Option 1A3/2A3 set to 07: the hex digit will be stripped for 1-digit, 2-digit and BFSK.
If Option 1A3/2A3 set to 0F: the hex digit will be stripped for 1-digit, 2-digit BFSK and Ademco Express (4-1, 4-2).
NOTE: Option 170/270 must be left as an individual event code when enabling this option.
NOTE: When performing any conversion (Such as Pulse to Ademco HS or BFSK to Ademco HS), this option will NOT take effect.
SG-DRL5 Option 1A4/2A4: BFSK RS-232
Default (00)
This option will dictate how the BFSK format will be outputted to the automation. At default (set to 00) the output will be as Radionics 6500.
When set to 01, the output will be as a 3/1 extended format, and when set to 02 the output will be Ademco High Speed. The account code used in these
examples is 055.
BFSK format will be reported as Radionics 6500.
The protocol identifier will be a 6.
Example 1: Code 21
Computer Output: 604091 055sAsss2
Example 2: Code B1
Computer Output: 604091 055sOsss1
BFSK will be reported as a standard 3/1 extended format.
The protocol identifier will be a 1.
Example 1: Code 21
Computer Output: 104091 055sAss21
Example 2: Code B1
Computer Output: 104091 055sOssB1
BFSK will be reported as Ademco High Speed for none-alarm events. The
protocol identifier will be an 8. A leading '0' will be added to the account
code to make it 4 digits in length. For alarm events (excluding fire) the out-
put will be 4-1/4-2 , with a protocol identifier of 1, A leading '0' will be
added to the account code.
Example 1: Code 21Computer Output:
804091 0055s5155s5555s7
Computer Output: 804091
Example 2: Code 41Computer Output:
104091 0055 41
Example 2: Code B1
Computer Output: 104091 0055 41
SG-DRL5 Option 1A5/2A5: Sescoa Super Speed
Default 01
This option will determine how the line card decodes 7-digit pulse formats.