Li.ONESS Batteries
| Operation, Safety and Installation Manual
• Install the provided set of sliding rails to vertical
U-Rail (PH2 screwdriver) starting from the bottom as
shown at the following picture
• The vertical distance from the first (bottom) set of
sliding rails to the second is 6U as shown at the
following picture
After completing the battery cabinet assembly, the
battery cabinet will have the following layout
Note: The height distance of all sliding rail sets is 6U
starting from the bottom of the U-rail
• Install the cage nuts M6 at the vertical U-rails for all
ESS modules. The distance is one square starting
from sliding rail and the next one at fourth square
moving upwards as shown below
Picture 13
Sliding rails assembly
Picture 15
Battery cabinet final assembly
Picture 14
Sliding rails assembly distance
Picture 16
Cage nuts for ESS modules