Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 2.0 Series Troubleshooting Guide • March 2003
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
Note –
These tests isolate the problem to a FRU that must be replaced. Follow the
instructions in the Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series 2.0 Reference and Service Guide
and the Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series 2.0 Installation Guide for proper FRU
replacement procedures.
8. Verify the fix using the following tools:
Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment GUI Topology View and Diagnostic
on the data host
9. Return the path to service with one of the following methods:
Use the multipathing software
Restart the application
Host-Side Troubleshooting
Host-side troubleshooting refers to the messages and errors that the data host detects.
Usually these messages appear in the
Storage Service Processor-Side
Storage Service Processor-side troubleshooting refers to messages, alerts, and errors
that the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment detects while running on the
Storage Service Processor. You can find these messages by monitoring the following
Sun StorEdge 3900 series and Sun StorEdge 6900 series components:
Sun StorEdge network FC switch-8 and switch-16 switches
Virtualization engine
Sun StorEdge T3+ array
Combining the host-side messages and errors and the Storage Service Processor-side
messages, alerts, and errors into a meaningful context is essential for proper