Chapter 9
Troubleshooting Virtualization Engine Devices
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
3. After corrective action has been successfully completed, run the following
file should display the following message:
# creatediskpools -n t3b0
Thu May 30 17:40:23 MDT 2002 creatediskpools: t3b0 ENTER: /opt/SUNWsecfg/
bin/creatediskpools -n t3b0.
Thu May 30 17:40:24 MDT 2002 checkslicd: v1 ENTER /opt/SUNWsecfg/bin/
checkslicd -n v1.
Thu May 30 17:40:28 MDT 2002 checkslicd: v1 EXIT.
MultiPath found -- T00000 and T00002
MultiPath found -- T00001 and T00003
Automatic MultiPath Drive created successfully.
Thu May 30 17:40:58 MDT 2002 creatediskpools: mpdrive T49152 is t3b00.
New disk pool name is t3b00
Thu May 30 17:41:17 MDT 2002 creatediskpools: mpdrive T49153 is t3b01.
New disk pool name is t3b01
Thu May 30 17:41:30 MDT 2002 creatediskpools: t3b0 EXIT.