The F123 printer utilizes two print head assemblies, one for model and one for support. Once a head has been
used for model or support, it can only be used for that designated material (model or support) thereafter. The
heads are designed for use with a range of modeling materials. The heads extrude model material and support
material with two identical liquefiers. A single blower fan, mounted above the tip liquefier entrances, cools the
incoming material at the liquefier entrances.
Head life is directly related to the amount of build time for the head. Heads are a replaceable consumable item
and should be changed once the head’s odometer reaches 1500 build hours. You will receive a warning when
the head’s odometer reaches 1350 build hours, reminding you to order a replacement head as the head is
nearing its odometer limit. You can continue using a head which has exceeded its odometer limit, but it is highly
recommended that you change the head as part quality will be unpredictable. The corresponding Head Status
Icon will be displayed in its warning state on the User Interface. The entire model or support head assembly is
replaced as a single unit. The Head Release Lever locks and unlocks the associated head into or out of its
seated position.
When building with PLA material a specialized PLA head is used. The PLA head is dark gray while standard
heads are black. The PLA head must be installed into the model head location within the gantry. A cooling
module is used in conjunction with the PLA model head and must be installed into the support head location
within the gantry. When building with PLA material, the PLA model head extrudes both model and support
Support Head
Model Head
Head Release Lever
(one per head assembly)