Operating Instructions
- Technical alterations reserved -
PROFIBUS DP interface for IS1+
3 Data traffic
3.1 Configuration
Input data (Read) and output data (Write) are each transmitted cyclically in a telegram.
In this case, the data blocks of the individual modules are grouped into telegrams in the order defined in the
configuration software of the PROFIBUS master.
If empty modules are configured, no data is transported in these locations of the data telegram and no
diagnosis data is generated for the associated slot.
3.2 Parameterization of the IS1+ field station and the IO-Module
Transmission of parameter data
During the start-up of the automation system, parameters are transmitted by the DP class 1 master to the CPU
in the "Set parameters" telegram. In addition to the standardized part of this telegram, the optional
"USER_PRM_DATA" data area is also transmitted. The data area used for an IS1+ field station has a fixed
length of 3 Bytes DPV1 7 bytes (10 Bytes using GSE V5.xx) for the CPU and additional 14 Bytes
(extended parameter set) for every IO-Module.
User parameter data area ("USER_PRM_DATA"):
3 bytes DPV1 7 bytes 14 bytes for IO-Module1 14 bytes for IO-Module 2
. .
IO-Module n
(3 bytes DPV1 stat.+ 3 bytes block. H.
+ 7 bytes using GSE V5.xx)
parameters for CPU
00 01 00 00 00 00 0x 01 01 00 xx xx
… xx xx xx xx … xx xx . . . . . . xx xx … xx xx
The CPU checks the length of the parameter data and rejects the parameter data if this length is
incorrect. If an error occurs, the CPU does not go into the “Data_Exchange” state. The “Prm_Fault”
message is transmitted in the diagnosis telegram.