Operating Instructions
- Technical alterations reserved -
PROFIBUS DP interface for IS1+
2 Commissioning
2.1 Overview
Planning of the complete PROFIBUS network:
- Which masters are in the network?
- Which slaves are in the network?
- Selection of network topology and network physics (repeaters, glass fiber links ...)
- Selection of the baud rate depending on lengths of cable, volumes of data and time requirements
- Unique allocation of the PROFIBUS DP addresses.
Perform the commissioning:
- Mechanical mounting of the IS1+ field station.
- Mechanical mounting of the field bus isolating repeater.
- Mechanical mounting of all other bus users.
- Set up the bus connections. Ensure the correct bus termination of all segments!
Set up the baud rate on the field bus isolating repeaters (9185, 9186,
…) or select
´Auto Baudrate detection´ (available with 9185 and 9186).
- Set up the voltage supply of the IS1+ field station.
- Set up the voltage supply of the isolating repeaters.
- Set up the slave addresses on the IS1+ field stations.
- Set up the addresses of all other users.
- Optional use of the RS485 service bus:
- Mechanical mounting of the service bus and the associated field bus isolating repeater.
- Install the IS Wizard software on the PC.
- Configure the IS1+ field stations.
- Parameterize the DP master.
- Read the GSE file of the IS1+ field station in the configurator of the master.
- Configure the modules in the master according to the IO-Modules present
in the field station.
- Parameterize the IS1+ field station and its IO-Modules.
- Put the master into operation. This results in the automatic start-up of the cyclic master <-> slave
- Check communication on the PROFIBUS DP using the following tools:
- Diagnosis information of the master or of the diagnostic tools belonging to the master.
- LEDs on the 9185, 9186 field bus isolating repeaters
- LEDs on the CPU of the IS1+ field station
- Check I/O signals using the following tools:
- Information of the master or of the diagnostic tool belonging to the master.
- Optional use of Diagnosis software IS WIZARD on a PC connected via the service bus.
- IS1+ DTMs using FDT technology.