SAIl Mixing
For each of these mixes, you can program each flight mode with
different mix values or at 0% if no mix is desired for that specific
flight mode. Programming values include independent control of
the direction and amount a slave surface moves in relationship
to the master surface.
Aileron to Rudder
The Aileron to Rudder mix is a commonly used for coordinated
turns. When active, as aileron is applied the rudder moves in
the same direction as the turn (right aileron input results in right
rudder output). If you assign the flight mode to a switch, a Sub
Switch option allows you to assign an additional switch to
activate up to 3 Aileron to Rudder mixes for that flight mode.
Aileron to Flap
The Aileron to Flap mix allows the entire trailing edge of the wing
(aileron and flap) to operate as ailerons. When the mix is active,
the flaps move with the ailerons.
Elevator to Flap
Elevator to Flap mix creates additional lift, allowing a tighter turn.
The entire trailing edge of the wing (aileron and flap) operate
as flaps (camber increase) when you apply elevator. An offset is
provided, which is typically used for Snap Flaps. With Snap Flap,
no Elevator to Flap mix occurs until the offset value is reached.
Typically, this offset is at 70% up elevator so that beyond 70%
the down flap mix comes in, providing additional lift for more
aggressive turning (for tight thermals or racing turns).
Flap to Elevator
Flap to Elevator mix prevents pitch up tendency that occurs when
you apply Crow or Butterfly. This mix is typically used only with the
Camber System. The Flap to Elevator mix operates as a curve so
that the elevator moves down the most during the first 20% of
flap deployment, decreases over the next 40%, then remains
the same from 60 to 100% of flap travel.
For sailplanes with ailerons/tips/flaps, make sure an appropriate
Sailplane Type is selected so that tips appear in the transmitter
as RAIL and LAIL. Decrease or increase travel on the tip
ailerons by creating an AIL > RAIL mix.