Programming Data Outputs
The reader is supposed to know how to run the Web Server
Getting Started With the Web Server on page 47
) before
reading this section.
Remember, when using the Web Server, at any time you can
access context-sensitive help by pressing this key:
• Go to
Input Setup and Output Messages
In the right-hand part of the Web Server window, all
receiver ports are listed, and for each of them, you can
read the message or messages currently programmed to
be output on this port at the specified data rate(s).
• To add or modify a message on a port, click on the line
corresponding to that port. This updates the left-hand part
of the window from which you can add or modify as many
messages as you wish.
You may need to re-select the matching category in the
upper field to access the desired message. For example if
NMEA and ATOM messages are programmed on a given
port, re-select ATOM in the upper field to access the
definition of the ATOM messages. Same applies to NMEA
For any further question about how to handle messages,
please refer to the on-line Help.
Rover Output
You will typically set a rover to generate NMEA messages to
deliver its computation results (see complete list on
). Note that part of these results are also visible on
the receiver front panel and in the right-hand section of the
Web Server window.
You will typically ask the receiver to output the following
NMEA messages:
• One GNSS antenna used:
NMEA Message
Position (Autonomous, SDGPS, RTK,
Hot Standby RTK or RTX)
Relative RTK