User’s Manual
Link Speed:
Displays the link speed of data transmitting (Tx, in Mbps) and receiving (Rx, in Mbps). Link
speed is the maximum available data transfer speed of the wireless connection, and
depends on the radio signal quality of wireless connection.
Displays the rate of data transmitting (Tx, in Kbps) and receiving (Rx, in Kbps).
Link Quality Displays link quality (radio signal quality). When the link quality is better, the
wireless link speed will be better, too. Link quality is displayed by percentage and a
descriptive word (Good, normal, weak, and low).
Signal Strength 1:
Displays the radio signal strength of built-in antenna 1.
Signal Strength 2:
Displays the radio signal strength of built-in antenna 2.
Noise Level
Displays the percentage or level of noise (unusable) signal. If the value of this item is high,
data transfer rate will drop.