background image

Rev. 0
dated 19/06/2001

SVP 0/1/2/3-E   -   Code: 3529.0091.01


Technical Assistance Service

Tel. (+39) 0445.595.111








- A lig n  th e  p u lle ys ref. 3  a n d   4 Photo 5.

- S e cu re   th e   sp a ce rs  in s id e   th e   slo ts  o f  th e  m o to r  b a se   w ith   th e   a p p ro p ria te  

s cre w s.

- R e p o sitio n  th e  d o w e l ref. 8 Photo 5  a n d   p a s s  th e   th re a d e d   ro d   ref. 7   

Photo 5 o n to  it.

- R e fit  th e   re ta in in g   b u sh in g   to   th e   e n d   o f  th e   th re a d e d   ro d .

- R e m o ve   th e   b e lt ref. 1 Photo 5.

- C o n n e ct  th e   e le c trica l  ca b le s   to   th e   te rm in a l  b o a rd .

- C h e c k  th a t  th e   p u lle y  ref. 4 Photo 5  tu rn s   a n ti-clo ckw ise ,  o th e rw ise   sto p   th e  

m a ch in e   im m e d ia te ly  w ith   th e   p u sh b u tto n   ref. 1 Fig. 1,  u n p lu g  th e   m a ch in e  
fro m   th e   so cke t  a n d   in ve rt  tw o   p h a se s   in   th e   m o to r  te rm in a l  b o a rd   a s  e x p la i-
n e d   a t  3.5 point 2.

- C h e c k  a g a in   th a t  th e   p u lle y  ref. 4 Photo 5  tu rn s   in   th e   rig h t  d ire ctio n .

- C h e c k  th a t  a t  m a xim u m   s p e e d ,  th e   m a ch in e   d o e s  n o t  e xce e d   2 7   stro ke s 

p e r  m in u te ;  if  it  d o e s,  fin d   th e   e x a ct  p o sitio n   fo r  th a t  sp e e d   a n d   b rin g   th e  
m e ch a n ic a l  re ta in in g   b u s h in g   in to   co n ta ct  w ith   th e   m o to r  b a se .

- C lo se  th e  sa fe ty g u a rd s w ith  th e  re la tive  scre w s.


Changing the motor ref. 3 Photo 6   

- D isco n n e ct th e  s p rin g  w h ich  co n n e cts  th e   m o to r b a se  to  th e  stru ctu re  (se e  

w a rn in g s   in   s e ctio n   4.6.2).

- D isco n n e ct th e  b e lt ref. 1 Photo 6  a s   d e scrib e d   a t  4.6.2.

- D isco n n e ct  th e   e le ctrica l  ca b le s  fro m   th e   m o to r  te rm in a l  b o a rd ,  m a kin g   a  

n o te   o f  th e   o rd e r  in   w h ic h   th e y  w e re   co n n e c te d .

- R e m o ve   th e   ch a in  ref. 5 Photo 6.

- R e m o ve   th e   4   sc re w s   w h ich   fix   th e   m o to r  to   th e   b a s e ,  h a vin g   first  re m o v e d  

th e   s p rin g   co n n e ctin g   th e   b a se   to   th e   stru ctu re .

- Ta ke   o u t  th e   m o to r  a n d   m o v e   th e   p u lle y   ref. 6 Photo 6 fro m   th e   o ld   m o to r 

to  th e  n e w  o n e .

- R e -fit th e   n e w  m o to r in to   th e   m a c h in e ,  fixin g   it to   th e   su p p o rt  b a s e   w ith  th e  

fo u r  s cre w s,  h a vin g   first  a lig n e d   th e   p u lle ys  ref. 4  a n d   6 Photo 6.

- R e -fit th e  b e lt ref. 1 Photo 6.

- R e -fit  th e   sp rin g   c o n n e ctin g   th e   m o to r  b a se   to   th e   s tru ctu re .

- C o n n e ct  th e   e le c trica l  ca b le s   to   th e   m o to r  te rm in a l  b o a rd .

- C h e c k  th a t  th e   m o to r  tu rn s  in   th e   rig h t  d ire ctio n   a s   sh o w n   in   p o in t  2   o f  se c -

tio n  3.5;  if  it  d o e s   n o t,  in ve rt  tw o   p h a se s   in   th e   te rm in a l  b o a rd   a s  sh o w n   in  
s e ctio n  3.5.

- C lo se   th e   sid e   p ro te c tio n   g u a rd s  a n d   se c u re   th e m   w ith   th e   re la tive   scre w s .

Summary of Contents for SVP 0-E

Page 1: ...Version ENGLISH Arc 16 Code 3529 0091 01 Revision n 0 dated 19 06 2001 Costruzioni Meccaniche SOTTORIVA S p A Via Vittorio Veneto 63 36035 MARANO VICENTINO VI ITALY Phone 39 0445 595 111 Fax 39 0445 595 155 Internet http www sottoriva com E mail sottoriva sottoriva com ...

Page 2: ...on 15 3 4 1 Installation warnings 15 3 4 2 Notes for the electrical installation personnel 15 3 5 Start up 16 3 6 Operation 19 4 Maintenance manual 23 4 1 Foreword 23 4 2 Daily maintenance 23 4 3 Weekly maintenance 23 4 4 Three monthly maintenance 23 4 5 Fault finding 24 4 6 Changing wear parts of the machine 26 4 6 1 Changing the belt ref 1 Photo 5 26 4 6 2 Changing the belt ref 1 Photo 6 26 4 6 ...

Page 3: ...n piston ref 1 Photo 7 and the se condary piston ref 3 Photo 7 37 5 Safety and hygiene 39 5 1 General notes 39 5 2 Mechanical hazards and residual risks 39 5 2 1 Danger zone 1 39 5 2 2 Danger zone 2 39 5 2 3 Danger zone 3 40 5 2 4 Risks of entrapment between transmission components 40 5 3 Electrical danger 40 5 4 Safety warning signs 42 5 5 Noise 43 5 6 Food hygiene requirements 44 5 7 Concluding ...

Page 4: ... to carry out the work The client will also be charged for travelling time and working hours of the relative personnel in accordance with the A n i m a Italian association of food machinery manufacturers scale If at the final decision of C M SOTTORIVA S p A technical personnel it is impossible to carry out the work at the client s premises the client is required to ship the machine carriage paid t...

Page 5: ...91 01 4 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 I In the event that the party making the claim is unable to exhibit a copy of the certificate responsibility of the customer the guarantee may be considered null and void ...

Page 6: ...ards and the safety devices unless strictly necessary for operational requirements and after having taken all the necessary measures to minimise risks deriving from such action as descri bed in detail in this handbook z z REPLACE all guards and safety devices as soon as the reasons that cal led for their temporary removal are no longer applicable z OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS regarding workp...

Page 7: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 6 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 I Photo 1 2 1 5 3 4 ...

Page 8: ... dangerous for the mechanical devices on the machine and hence for the operator The positions normally occupied by the operator are shown below and marked Lp These are also the reference positions for noise testing see par 5 5 2 2 Description The machine see Photo 1 is fitted with a hopper ref 1 Photo 1 into which to load the dough to be divided A piston type dividing system located beneath the ho...

Page 9: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 8 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 II Photo 2 Fig 1 1 3 5 4 2 6 5 6 3 2 4 1 ...

Page 10: ...o reduce the overall dimensions of the machine Finally the version of the machine with geared motor marked R can produce pieces in either 1 or two rows obtainable product weights change of course The following devices are located on the control panel ref 1 Photo 2 see Fig 1 Ref 1 emergency stop pushbutton Ref 2 run pushbutton Ref 3 main stop pushbutton Ref 4 power ON warning light white Ref 5 divi...

Page 11: ... 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 II Fig 2 Fig 3 1180 380 1560 590 ø D 1560 342 728 1060 208 1650 800 900 Via Vittorio Veneto 63 36035 MARANO VICENTINO Vicenza ITALY Phone 39 0445 595 111 Fax 39 0445 595 155 E mail sottoriva sottoriva com P I 00768890246 Mod n V XXX Hz XX kW XX SVP E XXXXXX A XX 3 AC N T Mass kg XXXX 200_ ...

Page 12: ...n for the same hopper capacity Table 1 shows the installed power and other characteristics data N indicates the normal version and R indicates the version with geared motor Table 1 2 4 Machine identification plate Fig 3 shows the data plate and Fig 2 shows the position in which it is fixed to the machine with rivets or screws It is made of aluminium with the data indelibly stamped or screen printe...

Page 13: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 12 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 II ...

Page 14: ...he production cooking included of bakery products must meet the following requirements z it must have spaces wide enough to allow transit of the bulkiest parts of the machine z it must be built in compliance with current regulations z it must have an electrical system that complies with current regulations especially the earth connection system and the main electrical panel with current overload a...

Page 15: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 14 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 III Fig 4 ...

Page 16: ...a CEI 20 22 electrical cable and an EC standard plug with as many poles as indicated on the machine dataplate The machine must be connected to a proper and efficient earthing plant Do not use makeshift solutions by connecting the earth to water pipes gas pipes or other metal structures The power feeding cable must be kept well clear of heated surfaces and moving parts It must also be installed in ...

Page 17: ...and invert the position of the brown and black wires If the connection is three phase neutral earth there will be two black wires In this case either of the black wires can be inverted with the brown wire In the case of a three phase earth cable there is only one black wire so there is no alternative for the inversion with the brown wire position Close the plug with the screws as shown in the abov...

Page 18: ...1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 16 III PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 17 Photo 3 Foto 3 B Foto 3 C Photo 3 Photo 3 A Right position Wrong position 2 1 3 ...

Page 19: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 18 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 III Photo 4 ...

Page 20: ...row if the pin ref 1 Photo 4 is in the lowered position see photo 3 A to do this sim ply lift and turn until the transverse pin ref 2 Photo 4 can enter the appropriate groove in the support ref 3 Photo 4 the m achine will work in two rows Set the desired product weight by turning the handwheel ref 3 Photo 2 and referring to the mark on the lateral graduated scale Place the pin ref 1 Photo 4 in the...

Page 21: ... the handwheel ref 3 Photo 2 and or the pin ref 1 Photo 4 as described above The hourly output of the machine min 540 strokes per minute max 1620 strokes per minute can be varied by turning the handwheel ref 2 Photo 2 this operation must be carried out with the machine in motion The divided products will be conveyed to outfeed by the belt ref 3 Photo 1 and must be picked up by hand unless the mach...

Page 22: ...larm light ref 6 Fig 1 illuminates and the system must be topped up immediately Part of the used oil is recovered and conveyed to the tank ref 11 Photo 5 and can be re used provided that all impurities are filtered out of it The oil used for lubricating the machine must be one of the following AGIP OBI 10 SHELL Ondina 29 SHELL Ondina 33 BP WE BP BE 80 SERIT ESSO MARCOL 102 The manufacturer shall a...

Page 23: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 22 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 III ...

Page 24: ...ufacturer is shown at the foot of each page in this handbook the telefax and telex numbers are given on the cover page 4 2 Daily maintenance z Clean the machine thoroughly especially parts coming into contact with foodstuffs such as the hopper ref 1 Photo 1 the outfeed belt ref 3 Photo 1 the chambers and dividing pistons etc Use only smooth plastic cleaning instruments never metal scrapers or bru ...

Page 25: 4 8 3 z An emergency devices has cut in emergency pushbutton pressed safety guard open z Reset pushbutton and close guard z Motor faulty z Have the motor changed by a specialist technician Special maintenance z Start pushbutton faulty z Have the pushbutton changed by a spe cialist technician Special maintenance The machine produces pieces of varying weight z Not enough pre portioned dough z Cha...

Page 26: ...SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 16 IV PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 25 Photo 6 7 8 1 5 3 9 11 6 4 10 2 ...

Page 27: ...ley ref 4 Photo 5 having first set the handwheel ref 2 Photo 2 to m inim um production speed Refit the chain ref 2 Photo 5 Fit the side guards and secure them with the fixing screws 4 6 2 Changing the belt ref 1 Photo 6 Remove the side protection guards Raise the support base of the m otor ref 3 Photo 6 until you can rem ove the belt from the pulley race Keeping the base raised fit the new belt Re...

Page 28: ... with cylinder necks Secure the panel to the uprights with the screws and adjust the height Re fit the plastic guard Tension the belt as previously described 4 6 4 Changing the motor ref 6 Photo 5 Rem ove the belt ref 1 Photo 5 as described at 4 6 1 Disconnect the electrical cables from the m otor term inal board making a note of the order in which they are connected Turn the handwheel ref 2 Photo...

Page 29: ... into contact with the m otor base Close the safety guards with the relative screws 4 6 5 Changing the motor ref 3 Photo 6 Disconnect the spring which connects the motor base to the structure see warnings in section 4 6 2 Disconnect the belt ref 1 Photo 6 as described at 4 6 2 Disconnect the electrical cables from the motor terminal board m aking a note of the order in which they were connected Re...

Page 30: ...SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 16 IV PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 29 Fig 5 ...

Page 31: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 30 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 IV Fig 6 ...

Page 32: ...owel 30000045 30000045 30000045 30000045 3 2 ø 100 handwheel 24060033 24060033 24060033 24060033 2 2 ø 160 handwheel 24060034 24060034 24060034 24060034 9 6 Nylon wheel 24065004 24065004 24065004 24065004 6 2 Rotary support 24070006 24070006 24070006 24070006 3 1 Synthetic belt 2400x337 mm 36000183 36000183 36000183 36000183 3 1 Synthetic belt 3500x338 mm 36000221 36000221 36000221 36000221 3 1 Wo...

Page 33: ...rod support 32430030 32430031 32430033 32430034 99 6 LH gib 34020002 34020002 34020002 34020002 99 6 RH gib 34020003 34020003 34020003 34020003 22 6 Rear sliding element 32810004 32810006 32810008 32810005 26 6 Front sliding element 32810005 32810007 32810009 32810006 Sliding element 32810001 32810002 32810000 32810003 47 6 Knife 32130001 32130002 32130003 32140011 83 6 Support 32420086 32420086 3...

Page 34: ...11 33 4 8 Wiring diagrams The full detailed electrical documentation comes supplied with the machine inside the electrical panel 4 8 1 Power wiring diagrams 4 8 1 1 230 V 50 Hz VERSION 4 8 1 2 400 V 50 Hz VERSION 4 8 2 Electrical control diagrams The information set out in this paragraph is common to the 230V and 400 V versions ...

Page 35: ...ker fails to reset wait for around 10 seconds and then repeat the operation N B In the case of a thermal relay wait for the time necessary until the device performs a self reset between 10 seconds and 60 seconds z To change a fuse proceed as follows unplug the m achine from the power socket set the m ain switch ref 4 Photo 2 to position 0 using the key supplied with the m achine open the door of t...

Page 36: ...eaning is a pre condition of long term smooth operation of the machine prevention of accidents in the work place and high standards of hygiene Caution Never use metal scrapers to clean the machine as these may damage the surfaces Clean surfaces with water only any other sub stance which is not expressly authorised by the manufacturer may damage the materials of which the machine is made and prejud...

Page 37: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 36 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 IV Photo 7 1 2 3 5 4 6 ...

Page 38: ...n the piston chamber ref 1 Photo 7 Refit the above parts in the same order Return the hopper to its position and fix the 6 screws ref 10 Photo 5 and Photo 6 To clean the secondary piston ref 3 Photo 7 proceed as follows rem ove the plug ref 4 Photo 7 Raise the block ref 5 Photo 7 rotating it around the pin ref 6 Photo 7 Take out the piston ref 3 Photo 7 and clean it thoroughly Also clean the chamb...

Page 39: ...Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 38 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 16 IV Photo 8 ZP 1 ZP 2 ZP 2 ZP 3 ...

Page 40: ...s to the dividing chamber through the top of the hopper without following the instructions set out at 4 9 THIS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Cleaning of the dividing chamber and removal of residues of dough left in it must be carried out in accordance with the instructions set out in the relevant paragraph Following these instructions will make the task easier even if it takes a few minutes longer Users ...

Page 41: ...onents belts chains etc have been separated by enclosing and covering guards bolted on to the structure you therefore need a suitable tool to remove them 5 3 Electrical danger All of the electrical equipment including the controls and indicators have been designed and manufactured in compliance with the safety standards and technical specifications set out in EN 60204 1 standards The housings of t...

Page 42: ...SVP 0 1 2 3 E Code 3529 0091 01 Rev 0 dated 19 06 2001 16 V PT 601 PP 601 GC 601 Technical Assistance Service Tel 39 0445 595 111 41 Photo 9 F E C D A B ...

Page 43: ...or manufacturer A Danger of hands being caught in the machinery Yellow background black symbol and border B Danger of hands getting caught up and or severed Yellow background black symbol and border C Risk of electrocution Yellow background black symbol and border D Guards must not be removed White background black symbol and red border E Red background white symbol and border IT IS FORBIDDEN TO M...

Page 44: ... at a distance of 1 m which was taken to be the position s of operation in the direction of maximum sound emission Measurements were made with model HD 9019K1 instrument serial n 2809946804 comprising Integrated phonom eter model HD 9016 Sensor HD 9019S1 The characteristics of the above devices comply with the following standards IEC 651 CLASS 1 IEC 804 CLASS 1 IEC 225 FILTERS 1 3 OCTAVE IEC 537 W...

Page 45: ...tion caused by incorrect and or insufficient cleaning and or maintenance of its machines The part below the supporting structure has been enclosed with a steel panel with a series of holes drilled in it with a diameter less than or equal to 5 mm in order to deny access to rodents The support surface beneath this area can be cleaned by moving the machine As it is mounted on wheels this can be done ...

Page 46: ...ning the dividing chamber the main piston ref 1 photo 7 and the secondary piston ref 3 photo 7 37 Cleaning the machine 35 Concluding remarks 44 Daily maintenance 23 Danger zone 1 39 Danger zone 2 39 Danger zone 3 40 Description 7 Descriptive manual 7 Electrical control diagrams 33 Electrical danger 40 Electrical maintenance 34 Fault finding 24 Food hygiene requirements 44 Guarantee validity and th...

Page 47: ...ion personnel 15 2 Operation 19 Operation and installation manual 13 Overall dimensions and other specifications 11 3 Power wiring diagrams 33 5 Risks of entrapment between transmission components 40 6 Safety and hygiene 39 Safety warning signs 42 Start up 16 7 Three monthly maintenance 23 Transporting the machine 13 Weekly maintenance 23 Wiring diagrams 33 Workplace requirements 13 ...
