SVP 0/1/2/3-E - Code: 3529.0091.01
Rev. 0
dated 19/06/2001
Technical Assistance Service
Tel. (+39) 0445.595.111
This section describes the operating modes of the machine, what they are
used for, how the various controls are used and the order in which
operations must be performed.
If you have the version with long outfeed belt, bring the belt into a horizontal
position before starting the machine. It is strictly forbidden to start the
machine with the outfeed belt raised and/or folded. The belt must be lifted
and folded only when you want to put the machine in the rest state in a non-
working area or for the purpose of transport. Before lifting and/or folding it,
always unplug the machine.
If you have the version "with geared motor" (e.g. SVP1/R), before starting it,
select the desired number of rows (1 or 2) as follows:
- lo ck th e p in ref. 1 Photo 4 in th e ra ise d p o s itio n (a lso se e p h o to 3 /A ) if y o u
w a n t th e m a ch in e to w o rk in a sin g le ro w.
- if th e p in ref. 1 Photo 4 is in th e lo w e re d p o sitio n (se e p h o to 3 /A ) (to d o th is,
sim p ly lift a n d tu rn u n til th e tra n sve rse p in ref. 2 Photo 4 ca n e n te r th e
a p p ro p ria te g ro o ve in th e s u p p o rt ref. 3 Photo 4) th e m a ch in e w ill w o rk in
tw o ro w s.
Set the desired product weight by turning the handwheel ref. 3 Photo 2 and
referring to the mark on the lateral graduated scale.
Place the pin ref. 1 Photo 4 in the appropriate hole for the desired piece
size: the table below gives a guide to positioning the pin ref. 1 Photo 4, and
the piece size index to set, according to desired piece size and machine
version, for dividers not equipped with geared motor (if the machine has a
geared motor, simply draw up a table similar to the one below).
Before performing any manoeuvre, make certain that the mains vol-
tage is the same as the voltage required by the machine and clearly
marked on the identification plate (2.4).
When the pin is lowered, its bottom end must be positioned as shown
in photo 3/B in relation to the bronze protrusion on the geared motor
piston. Do not position it on the other side (as in photo 3/C) as this
would cause serious mechanical damage to the machine.