Use Voice Carry Over (VCO)
User Guide
To Make a 2-Line VCO Call
Step 1.
Dial your SVRS call at the Home screen.
Step 2.
When the call is answered, the interpreter will see that you are making a VCO call
and will place a voice call to your Callback number. You must answer that voice call
and then wait.
Figure 74:
In-Call Screen
Step 3.
After you answer the voice call to your Callback number, the interpreter will then
call the hearing person. When the hearing person answers, you can start speaking.
The interpreter will sign the hearing person’s part of the conversation to you.
Step 4.
If you do not want to use VCO for any call, just tell the interpreter that you do not
want to make a VCO call. The interpreter will not connect the voice call. Instead, the
interpreter will place a regular SVRS call to the hearing number you dialed.