Use Voice Carry Over (VCO)
ntouch VP 8.0
To Make a 1-Line VCO Call
Step 1.
Dial your SVRS call at the Home screen.
Step 2.
When the call is answered, the interpreter will see that you are making a VCO call.
The interpreter will then call the hearing person. The In-Call screen will look like the
example shown below.
Figure 73:
In-Call screen, 1-Line VCO enabled
Step 3.
When connected, you can speak to the person you called using your own voice. The
audio picked up by the microphone in ntouch VP’s Remote Camera Unit (RCU) will
be sent with the video signal. The interpreter will sign the hearing person’s part of
the conversation to you.
Step 4.
If you do not want to use VCO for any call, just tell the interpreter that you do not
want to make a VCO call. The interpreter will not connect the voice call. Instead, the
interpreter will place a regular SVRS call to the hearing number you dialed.