animeo KNX/EIB 4 AC MoCo • REF. 5050779 -
Basic function
Venetian blind UP / DOWN
Switch/dry contact
8-Bit value (rising edge)
Edge evaluation contact A
Rising ON, falling OFF
Rising OFF, falling ON
Rising ON
Falling ON
Rising OFF
Falling OFF
Rising toggle
Falling toggle
Rising toggle, falling toggle
No evaluation
Depending on which edge evaluation was selected the appropriate object value “0“ or “1“ will be generated.
Rising ON, falling OFF
If a rising edge at the local input appears, the object value “ON“ is produced. If a falling edge at the local input appears, the object value
“OFF“ is produced. The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Rising OFF, falling ON
If a rising edge at the local input appears, the object value “OFF“ is produced. If a falling edge at the local input appears, the object value
“ON“ is produced. The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Rising ON
If a rising edge at the local input appears, the object value “ON“ is produced . If a falling edge at the local input appears, this is not
evaluated. The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Falling ON
If a falling edge at the local input appears, the object value “ON“ is produced. If a rising edge at the local input appears, this is not evaluated.
The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Rising OFF
If a rising edge at the local input appears, the object value “OFF“ is produced. If a falling edge at the local input appears, this is not
evaluated. The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Falling OFF
If a falling edge at the local input appears, the object value “OFF“ is produced. If a rising edge at the local input appears, this is not
evaluated. The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
On (“1“)
Off (“0“)
Toggle (“1/0“)