Power Control Status
This screen is displayed only when Power Control is enabled (available from
communication board (CPU) firmware version 2.7xx/3.7xx and later).
P W R C T R L : R E M O T E
P W R L i m i t : 1 0 . 0 4 k W
C o s P h i : 0 . 9
P o w e r P r o d : 7 0 0 0 W
PWR CTRL: The power control status:
REMOTE - Communication with the RRCR or smart energy manager is
LOCAL - The power is controlled locally (e.g. by a fixed limit), or this inverter limits
the PV power production to its relative portion of the feed-in power limit, as a
result of disconnected communication with the smart energy manager. If this
status appears, check the communication to the smart energy manager or the
communication to the meter.
PWR Limit: The inverter maximum output power set by one of the power limiting
Smart energy manager (Feed-in limitation)
Cos Phi: The ratio between active to reactive power
Power Prod: The power produced by the inverter
For more information, refer to the
Power Control Application Note,
available on the SolarEdge website at
Battery Status
This screen is displayed only when the battery is configured, and shows the battery
identification information, its charging status and power, and the operating mode.
Chapter 8: User Interface
StorEdge Solution with Backup MAN-01-00262-1.5