Battery Replacement
To disconnect or replace a battery:
1. Turn OFF the StorEdge Connection Unit ON/OFF switch.
2. Turn OFF the inverter ON/OFF switch, and wait until the LCD indicates that the DC
voltage is safe (<50V), or wait five minutes before continuing to the next step.
If you cannot see the inverter panel, or if a malfunction is indicated on the
LCD panel, wait five minutes for the input capacitors of the inverter to
Si vous ne pouvez pas voir l'écran de l'onduleur ou si un dysfonctionnement
est indiqué sur l'écran LCD, attendez cinq minutes pour que les
condensateurs d'entrée de l'onduleur soient déchargés.
3. Turn OFF the AC switch at the distribution panel.
4. Power off the battery, as explained in "Powering the LG Chem Battery Off and On"
5. Use a multimeter to verify that DC voltage is below 50V at the battery connection.
6. Disconnect the cables from the battery side and replace the battery.
7. Connect the battery to the system as described in
Connecting to the Battery on page
StorEdge Solution with Backup MAN-01-00262-1.5
Battery Replacement