L i m i t C o n t r o l < D i s >
E n e r g y C t r l < M S C >
S e t O p e r a t i o n
S t o r a g e C t r l
3. Optionally, set the battery OFF periods as follows:
a. Select Set Operation. A list is displayed, allowing 12 monthly profile setup:
J a n < O N >
F e b < O N >
M a r < O N >
A p r < O N >
b. Select a month. A list of options is displayed.
S t a r t T i m e < 0 0 : 0 0 >
E n d T i m e < 0 0 : 0 0 >
A l w a y s O N
A l w a y s O F F
c. Select one of the options:
Always OFF
to avoid battery usage entirely (for example during
Start Time
End Time
to set battery usage in specific hours and
avoid usage during specific hours throughout the month (for example at
night). This sets the periods during which the battery will be in the OFF state.
Always ON
to use battery at all times for charging/ discharging.
4. To set a minimum battery level used for backup, so that the battery will always have
energy stored in case backup power is needed, do the following:
a. Select
Energy Manager
Storage Control
. The following is displayed:
B a c k u p R s v d < N / A >
A C C h a r g e L i < N o n e >
b. Select
Backup Rsvd
and set the required level of reserved energy as percentage
of the battery capacity:
backup power + Smart Energy Management - according to user
backup-only - according to battery manufacturer recommendation, if
If you set the Backup Rsved to a value other than 0%, the following is displayed:
Chapter 10: System Configuration
StorEdge Solution with Backup MAN-01-00262-1.5