Step 2: Commissioning and Configuring the
This section describes how to use the SetApp menus for commissioning and configuring the inverter
Menus may vary in your application depending on your system type.
To access the Commissioning screen:
Do one of the following:
During first time installation: Upon Activation completion, in the SetApp, tap
Start Commissioning
The main Commissioning menu screen is displayed:
Cou n t r y a n d La n g u a g e
P a i r i n g
Commu n i ca t i on
D e v i ce M a n a g e r
P ow e r Con t r ol
M a i n t e n a n ce
I n for ma t i on
S i t e Con fi g u r a t i on
S t a t u s
Three Phase Inverter with synergy technology Guide MAN-01-00402-1.1
Step 2: Commissioning and Configuring the Installation