PSS-G/RAID Alternative Energy System Deployment Guide
August 2020
Solar Stik
Faults Associated with Load Support Function
FET Overtemp
If the internal transistors overheat while in Load Support mode, then the PRO-Verter will go into “FET
Overtemp” fault and shut down both inverter and generator functions simultaneously. The PRO-
will reestablish its inverter function automatically once the FETs have cooled (usually about 30
seconds); however, the generator function will have to be reset manually.
AC Overload
If the load that was being powered while in Load Support mode is not disconnected from the PRO-
Verter or if it is not turned off, it will cause an “AC Overload” fault once the inverter attempts to
restart operation.
For the Load Support function to operate, the following must occur:
1. The generator must be active via “Gen Control” 03 and connected to the AES via the PRO-Verter.
2. The Inverter function must be turned on. Verify the “INV” LED adjacent to the PRO-Verter’s LCD
is on.
3. The Charger must be turned off. Verify the “CHG” LED adjacent to the PRO-Verter’s LCD is OFF.
4. Actual Expander Pak bank voltage must be ≥ 1.0 volt above the programmed LowBatCutOut
(LBCO; 24.4 volts) setting in the SETUP menu under the “Inverter Setup” programming section.
Load Support function will stop automatically once the load requirement drops below 4800 W. To
do so, switch the PRO-Verter F5 “Gen Control” setting back to AUTO while the generator is still
In AUTO mode, excess AC power from the generator that is not used in support of the load will
be used to recharge the Expander Paks. Once the Expander Pak batteries are fully recharged,
the generator will automatically shut off. (The generator will remain off until the AGS signals the
generator to auto start and reassume the load while recharging the batteries.)
Factors That Affect Load Support Function
The duration of Load Support function is directly affected by the amount of power used during the
Load Support process. It is not recommended to use Load Support function for continuous loads.
“Sustained” operating times in Load Support mode range from 3 to 15 minutes, depending on load
requirements and temperature.
The PRO-Verter has field effect transistors (FETs) that can overheat when being used in Load
Support mode. If the loads are greater than 120% of the generator’s rated output, the FET
temperatures will climb until they reach maximum temperature. Once the FET temperature exceeds
85 °C (185 °F), then an overtemperature fault will likely occur.
The duration of Load Support function will also be limited by the amount of energy available in the
Expander Paks. If the Expander Pak voltage is low, then it is unlikely sustained operation can occur.
For example, if the LBCO setting is 23.0 V and the actual battery voltage is 24.5, once the battery
reaches 24 volts, the PRO-Verter will attempt to pass the entire load on to the generator. This may
cause the generator to overload and reset.