Understanding WireXpert
© Copyright 2019 Softing IT Networks
Adapter Insertion Counts
Every WireXpert adapter can keep track of the number of tests performed. This data ensures up to date
information on the adapter’s lifespan. WireXpert will indicate a warning when the adapter insertion
counts have expired the specified insertion counts lifespan. This can be checked by pressing the
System Settings
System Settings 2
Device Info
Probe Test Count
Cabling Certification and Testing
Certification testing with WireXpert is highly intuitive and simple. The AUTOTEST function performs a
series of measurements between the LOCAL and REMOTE devices and analyses the results to determine
if the cabling run passes or fails the selected standards.
Copper Cable Certification Testing
Test at both ends of structured twisted pair cables for the worst-case performance is required in
accordance to the ISO/TIA standards. All certification testing requires a two-part test consisting of a
main and remote unit, both bearing similar test capabilities. The test would be conducted with one end
from the telecommunication closet, and the other at the outlet.
There are two primary considerations regarding the test method:
Whether the user patch cords are included in the cabling run during the test.
If so, channel test configuration is required.
If not, link test configuration is required.
Which standard – TIA or ISO should be used (Category or Class)
Permanent Link Configuration Tests
The Permanent Link configuration is generally used in facilities still under construction and does not
include user patch cords. As the link configuration does not include the two additional connections of
the patch cords, performance standards are more stringent. Special link adapters are used on both
LOCAL and REMOTE units for links that are under test.
Channel Configuration Tests
User patch cords are included for the Channel configuration. The pass/fail limits for this configuration
allows performance degradation inherent in the two additional patch cords included in the
measurements, thus are less stringent. Special channel adapters are used on both LOCAL and REMOTE
units for channels that are under test.