Chapter 7
SMS Messaging for
Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP
The GSM version of the Digital Phone Card includes software for SMS
Socket’s SMS program includes two folders: the SMS folder and the
Phonebook folder. The SMS folder is for creating, modifying, and storing
messages, while the Phonebook is for creating, modifying, and storing
contact information, including information on your phone’s SIM card.
This section primarily shows Windows 98 screens. Except where noted,
screens from Windows 95/Me/2000/XP are functionally equivalent.
Preliminary Checklist
Is your mobile phone turned ON?
Is SMS service activated for your phone? Most carriers charge an extra
fee for SMS service.
Have all remote networking connections on the mobile computer ended?
Remote networking uses the same port needed by Socket GSM software.
Launch the program
1. Go to
Start | Programs | Socket GSM
Program icon
2. When the program launches, a title screen will appear, reporting your
mobile phone’s status on the bottom.
Title screen
If your phone is not ready, you will not be able to send any SMS
messages. Refer to the “Troubleshooting” section in the
User’s Guide
the installation CD for help.