Chapter 5
Socket OBEX
This chapter explains how to use the Socket OBEX (object exchange)
application to trade business cards, contacts or files with another Bluetooth
device that supports OBEX.
Socket’s Bluetooth OBEX application supports five operations:
Exchange Business Cards
Send a Contact
Send a File
Browse Remote Device
Receive Contact or File
Enable File Sharing
The first four operations — exchange business cards, send a contact, send a
file, and browse remote device — are client-oriented. They involve
initiating an object exchange.
The last two operations — receive contact or file and enable file sharing —
are server-oriented. They involve accepting objects in an exchange initiated
by another Bluetooth device.
If you have not done so already, be sure to run the OBEX Installer from
the Socket Bluetooth Card Installation CD. Otherwise, you will not be
able to perform any OBEX operations with the Bluetooth Card.
After you install Socket OBEX, the Transfer via Bluetooth option will
appear in the Bluetooth menu for you to select OBEX operations.