To Internal Portal URL
The authenticate requests through the built-in user account database and apply basic
customization to the captive port user login page.
Login Method:
Select a login method (
User name and Password
Single password
, or
) for the
Internal Portal URL for authentication.
Setting Username and Password:
Enter the user name and password then click Add button to
create the user name with the password for the “User name and Password” login method. When
the wireless client device connecting to this wireless network. This will be the user name and
password required for users to enter in the captive portal web page (Internal Portal URL) for
authentication in order for users to connect to your wireless network.
Setting Single password:
Enter the password for the “Single password” method. When the
wireless client device connecting to this wireless network. This will be password required only for
users to enter in the captive portal web page (internal Portal URL) for authentication in order for
user to connect to your wireless network.
Advertisement URL Enable:
This is the website or URL guest users will be automatically redirected
after connecting to your wireless network through your captive portal page.