Authentication Timeout:
The session time period (minutes) which users are allowed to be logged
in to your wireless network. There are two authentication timeout values (“
Username and
” and “
Single password
”) can be setup, the authentication timeout values used is
depend on the login method you select. Once the time expires, users will automatically logged and
will need to log back in through the captive portal page (Internal Portal URL) again in order to
reconnect to your wireless network. It is recommended to set a value to ensure authentication
sessions are closed after a certain time period.
Upload Image Files:
Click browser and select
an image file then click
Upload button
Once you have uploaded the image, an image preview will appear and you can assign the image
Set as background
Set as logo
. For example as below
If you would like to delete the image and
upload a different image, you can also click
to delete the image.
Note: Only 2 images can be uploaded for
portal page customization (Only one image
can be set for the portal page background
and another image can be set for the
company/organization logo). The images are
automatically scaled when uploaded. The
recommended image formats are JPG, PNG,
or GIF. Maximum file size for images is 250KB.