- Clients (Total):
This section will display a list the top 5
wireless profile SSIDs with highest amount of data
usage/activity. When hovering over with your cursor, the SSID
name and total number of client will be displayed.
- Current Usage (Top Access Points):
This section will display the top 5 wireless access points
with the highest amount of data
# of Clients:
When hovering over
with your cursor, the SSID name
and total number of client will be
When hovering over with your cursor, the AP MAC address and total number of
packets transmitted/received will be displayed.
- Quick Look:
This section will display the
Most Activity AP
Most Active Clien
t and client with the highest amount of
data usage (
All-time Top Client
- Recent Activities:
This section
displays a chart of the most
recent activities.
Clients (Total)
chart displays
the total number of clients over
the most recent time interval.
Traffic (Mbytes)
displays the total number of
packets transmitted on all APs
over the most recent time
Note, 16:10:53 format is HH:MM:SS