64 09 713 D3610
02 09.2016
1 General information
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.1 Dear Customer,
Operating Instructions and Installation XIOS XG USB module and sensors
General information
Dear Customer,
We are pleased that you have equipped your practice with the digital
Intraoral X-ray system XIOS XG from Sirona. The system is characterized
by many features including outstanding image quality and a high day-to-
day reliability.
XIOS XG can be operated with two types of sensor – the XIOS XG Select
and XIOS XG Supremesensors. Both types of sensor are available in
three sizes (0, 1 and 2). By using XIOS XG Supreme sensors enhanced
image processing functions are available to you in SIDEXIS XG /
SIDEXIS 4 through special filters. Depending on the indication you can
apply the corresponding filter to the X-ray image in order to amplify the
relevant structures. XIOS XG Supreme sensors offer higher resolution
compared with XIOS XG Select sensors.
In addition to SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4 (SIDEXIS XG version 2.5.6 and
above) the SIDEXIS plug-in must be installed for XIOS XG. Information
on the PC software can be found in the "SIDEXIS Plug-in for XIOS
XGOperator's Manual".
This operating manual should be of good help to you before use as well
as serve anytime later as a reference material.
We wish you a great deal of success and pleasure with XIOS XG.
Your XIOS XG Team
Contact information
Worldwide customer service
Customer service center
In the event of technical queries, please use our online contact form at
www.sirona.com. In the navigation bar, go to the menu commands
"CONTACT" / "Customer Service Center" and then click the "CONTACT
Authorized agent in the EU
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Fabrikstrasse 31
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 6251/16-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6251/16-2591
e-mail: [email protected]
Manufacturer's address
Sirona Dental, Inc
30-30 47th Ave
Long Island City
New York, 11101