64 09 713 D3610
02 09.2016
5 Operation
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.4 Position the sensor
Operating Instructions and Installation XIOS XG USB module and sensors
Positioning the sensor for exposures of the upper jaw
1. Look through the localizer ring to check the alignment of the sensor.
The sensor must be located centrally in front of the opening in the
localizer ring.
2. Position the sensor centrally in the oral cavity without it touching the
roof of the mouth.
3. Ask the patient to close their mouth slowly and fix the sensor holder
to the cutting edge.
Tip: A cotton roll on the lower cutting edge stabilizes the sensor
holder support and supports parallelism with the bite block on the
sensor holder.
The sensor is parallel with the upper front teeth.
4. Slide the localizer ring to the patient's face.