Changes to the limit switch is forbidden.
Do NOT push or pull any objects outside the platform.
Max Lateral force allowed
Indoor 400N
Do NOT change, or limit the use of any components which may influence
the safety and stability.
Do NOT use components of different weight and specifications to replace components key to
stability of the machine.
Do NOT modify or amend the aerial work platform without written permission from the
manufacturer. Additional devices installed on the platform and guardrails to keep tools and other
materials will increase the weight and surface area of platform, thus increase load.
Do NOT lay or tie some overhung loads on any parts of the machine.
Do NOT place ladders or scaffoldings inside the platform, or against any parts of the machine.
Do NOT use the machine on any moving objects. Make sure that all tires are in good condition
and slotted bolts are properly screwed.
Do NOT use batteries lighter than the original ones. Battery works as counterweight also, it is
critical to the stability of machine. The weight of each battery should be no less than 33kg.
Do Not use the machine as crane.
Do Not use the platform to push machines or any other objects.
Keep the platform from touching anything nearby.
Do NOT tie the platform to any objects nearby.
Keep loads within the platform.