The system’s cold charge pressure must be 1.2–1.5 bar in the
solar collector. If the system’s filling point is located on the
central heating device, it is necessary to also add the pressure
deriving from the hydrostatic height difference between the de-
vice itself and the solar collector. For example, if the collector
modules are installed on the roof, roughly 6 m above the central
heating device, given that 6 m = 0.6 bar, the system must be
filled at 2.1 bar (1.5 bar + 0.6 bar).
Filling operations must be performed as follows:
– Use rubber pipes to connect a filling pump (for example the
manual filling pump code 8106095, optional accessory, or a
pump) to the container and to the cock (A).
– Connect the cock (B) to the container with a rubber pipe.
– The cocks must be opened and the shut-off valve (V) must
be closed.
– Open all the shut-off cocks upstream of the automatic relief
valves and all the manual relief valves.
– The collector circuit must be filled using the pump with the
water and glycol mixture until the fluid starts coming out of
the cock (B).
– Close the cock (B). The pressure inside the solar circuit must
be raised up to the desired initial pressure. Close the cock (A)
and stop filling the circuit.
– Open the shut-off cock (V).
– Switch on the solar circuit pump by positioning it to continu-
ous operation, so as to bleed air from the circuit.
– Manually open the relief valve several times by applying pres-
sure with the tip of a screwdriver.
– Bleed air from the pump by opening the large brass screw on
the front part of the pump.
– Allow air to escape the degasser.
– Adjust the valve (V) so as to have a flow rate of 45/50 l/h per
of absorbing surface.
– After a few days and after having bled the air completely (no
more noises will be heard inside the system), close all the
shut-off cocks upstream of the relief valves to prevent any
steam generated inside the collector from coming out of the
– With the system cold (in the early morning), check once again
the initial pressure in the solar circuit and add more fluid if
– If it has not yet been done, apply insulating material on the
pipes of the solar circuit by joining all points without leaving
any gaps, or by gluing it.
lower coil
Water 40%
anti-freeze liquid
Filling pump
Fig. 23
Setting the solar control unit
Check that sensors and all necessary electrical equipment
have been connected correctly. Set the control unit according
to the system’s configuration, by observing the setting instruc-
tions included in the instruction manual accompanying the unit.
After setting the control unit, the solar unit will be ready for
NOTE: The TermoSolis control unit is included in the two-col-
umn solar unit supplied with the series BS 2S -C DHW calorifi-
ers. For any further setting of the solar control unit, refer to the
manual accompanying the unit.