5200470 Rev B
Vacuum hoods have two basic intake Options (see Figure 2):
Figure 2: Vacuum Hood Intake Options
Option 1 – Non-Contact
Simco-Ion’s static bars (IQ Easy or MEB) are used with a compressed air tube to
eliminate static charges on webs and other materials. Particles are subjected to an
aggressive blast of compressed air which lifts debris from the web. Debris is captured
and drawn into the vacuum system through the inlet. This intake configuration is
used on webs that cannot tolerate contact.
Typical applications include:
• Removal of slitting debris and static charges on plastic film.
• Removal of contamination and static charges during the converting process.
• Removal of contamination and static charges on film prior to adhesive
Option 4 – Contact
Simco-Ion’s static bars (MEB or IQ Easy) are used with a compressed air tube to
eliminate static charges on webs and other materials. After the web is neutralized
it passes under a stiff bristle brush which loosens debris from the web. Particles are
then subjected to an aggressive blast of compressed air which lifts debris from the