5200470 Rev B
Pipe Size of Fitting
I.D. of Tubing
Air Bar Length
1/4 NPT
< 48”
3/8 NPT
> 48”
Table 1: Sizing Chart
– If the tubing or fitting is smaller than specified, airflow will be
restricted, and performance will be unacceptable.
Dust Collector Installation
DCX-500, DC550, DC1200, DC1500 and DC3000 Cartridge Style Collectors
Duct enters the dust collector through the cabinet inlet and then passes through a
tight mesh screen on the outside of the filter(s). The screen (spaced 1” away from
the filter media) catches fibrous dust while fine particles pass through the screen
and collect on the outside surface of the pleated filter cartridge. Clean air flows up
though the center of the filter cartridge into the blower then through the silencer
section of the cabinet. Clean air exits through the top clean air outlet.
DC66, DC75, DC84, and DC90 Bag Style Collectors
Dust laden air first enters through the dirty air inlet and then passes through the
cabinet where the dust is collected on the outside surface of the filter media. The
cleaned air then flows up through the center of the filter media and into the clean
air plenum. It enters the blower fan and exits through the blower exhaust located on
the roof of the cabinet dust collector (DC66, DC75 and DC84). The DC90 uses
an external motor/blower package so the exhaust is on the blower housing which sits
on top of the cabinet.
DC-aPJb Continuous Duty Collectors (a = # of horizontal columns of filters, b
= # of filters)
There is a separate instruction manual for these collectors. Basically, dust laden air
enters the top of the dirty air chamber. The debris settles to the bottom of the filter
cabinet in a hopper. The hopper normally fits over a 55-gallon drum into which the
debris may be dumped while the collector continues to operate. The drum may be
taken away from the area for cleaning while the collector continues to run, storing
debris in the hopper.
Debris will be seen on the outside of the filters, but it cannot penetrate the medium,
allowing it to be blown off the surface by a strong, reverse blast of air. The degree of
filter blockage is monitored so that the cleaning process is started at a pre-selected
point and ceases at a second pre-selected level.
The motor/blower package is mounted outside of the housing and may be fitted
with a silencing enclosure. (See manual #5200712 for Continuous Duty System.)