5200470 Rev B
DCX500, DC550, DC1200, DC1500 and DC3000 Cartridge Style Collector
(see Figure 12)
Figure 12: Dust Collector (Cartridge Style)
Filter Cleaning
Dust collectors are off-line cleaning. Cleaning is done only after the fan is shut off.
The control timer is automatically energized to start the cartridge cleaning sequence
when the fan is shut off. After a 30 second pause to allow fan to run down, the
vibrator motor starts and runs for a preset time, shaking dust from the filter. A
diaphragm at the bottom of the filter opens after the fan is shut off allowing fine
dust particles collected on the filter media to escape. The dust falls into the dustpan
or optional hopper for disposal.
Power to the collector must remain ON to operate cleaning mechanism. The dust
collector is factory set to always clean after the fan is shut off.
If fine mesh or filter becomes plugged with fibrous material, it can be removed and
cleaned. To remove mesh:
1. Pull apart Velcro® at seam.
2. Remove mesh and gently clean by hand, taking care not to damage the mesh.
– Manually cleaning the screen exposes operator to collector
contaminant. Wear safety goggles and dust respiring-breathing apparatus.