NOTE: We highly recommends that you use a speed control for each motor and place each control in the nacelle behind
the motor. For this you will need to also cut a hole in the bottom of the tube just inboard of F-3 for the receiver lead of the
speed control.
Feed motor wires through the hole in the leading edge sheeting next to W-1, through the front hole in rib W-2 and out the
hole just short of rib W-3. Tape the wires together to keep them from slipping out. (refer to photo 23)
The two wing halves are now joined. Place the wing halves upside down on your
work surface with their root ribs facing each other. Use lengths of balsa stock to
shim the leading and trailing edges of the wing panels, supporting them so that
their top wing spars are flat to the work surface. Make sure the root ribs are flush
to each other. Cut two pieces of the 1/8"x3/16" (3.2x4.8mm) spruce spar material
5" (127mm) long for the spar joiners. Insert the joiner for the top spar in one side
and glue to the spar and the top skin.
Using 30-minute epoxy, spread a thin coat of glue on the root rib of the other wing
and on the spar joiner that extends from the first panel. Slide the two halves
together and run a strip of masking tape over the seam on the top of the wing to
hold it together and to contain any epoxy that tries to seep out. Now lay the wing
up side down with the spars flat on the building board and tape the leading edge
and trailing edge securely together so the panels line up exactly. Glue in the
bottom spar joiner and clean up any excess epoxy with a paper towel and alcohol
then set aside to cure.
While waiting for this to cure, prepare the center sheeting for use. Cut the two
1/2" (12.7mm) holes for the servo wires in the front sheets on a centerline
1/2" (12.7mm) back from the leading edge and 1/2" (127 mm) and 5" (127mm)
out from the center and glue these sheets onto the bottom center section, behind
the leading edge sheeting. (Refer to drawings at step #16)
You can now remove all the tape and finish shaping and sanding the wing.
Glue the 1" (25.4mm) fiberglass tape over the center joint of the wing top and
bottom. Medium CA works well for this application. Rub in a second coat of glue
and let cure before sanding out any lumps.
To shape the ailerons cut the 1-1/4"x5/16"x24" (31.7x7.9x609.6mm) piece of trailing edge stock into two 10-
1/2" (266.7mm) sections. At one end of each piece measure up 7/8" (22.2mm) from the trailing edge and make a mark.
Draw a line with a straight edge from this mark to the corner at the thick side at the other end. Cut this triangular piece off
and sand smooth. Draw a centerline down the thick edge of the aileron and bevel down to the line from top and bottom.
Now fit the aileron to the cutout at the trailing edge of the wing allowing 1/32" (.8mm) gap at each end. Mark each aileron
for left and right.